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October 19, 2003

PLGFF 2003 - Conclusion

So, that's it for the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. I have a couple final comments:

  1. Coordinate with Seattle, so the film festivals don't overlap. I'm having to miss a couple of films in Portland that I would like to see because there's one in Seattle that I want to see more.
  2. Move to the Hollywood Theater. I know Cinema 21 has been a good home, but broken seats and especially the limited restroom facilities make it a very undesirable place to host something like this where people spend extended amounts of time there. In one case, the bathroom line that started at the end of one film had not yet disappeared by the time the next one started. Unless you can get Paul Allen to restore it the way he did Cinerama in Seattle...

Overall, I think my favorite film was Merci Docteur Rey. If I had to rank them, I guess it would be:

  1. Merci Docteur Rey
  2. Die Mommie Die
  3. 9 Dead Gay Guys
  4. The Event
  5. Bulgarian Lovers
  6. Blue Gate Crossing
  7. You'll Get Over It
  8. Yossi & Jagger
  9. Party Monster
  10. My Life on Ice
Posted by abatie at October 19, 2003 02:42 AM

thanks alan - it was a tough movie to make, almost a miracle it ever got made, and it thrills me that once in a while i come accross someone who really liked it. Someone in Los Angeles even said to me he's now seen it twice and can't wait for it to come out on DVD so whenever he's sad, he can just pop it in the machine and smile! Can a director ever hear anything better than that???

Posted by: andrew litvack at November 28, 2003 05:24 AM