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October 19, 2003

SLGFF 2003 - Gone, But Not Forgotten

I'm very pleased to say that Gone, But Not Forgotten (IMDB, Sun Noon), the main reason I came up to Seattle this weekend and missed the end of the Portland film festival to see, was well worth it.

Drew is a Park Ranger, who has rescued Mark from a nasty fall, but Mark has amnesia, and initially can't even remember his name. Drew isn't spilling much about the circumstances of the rescue either, but befriends Mark as he recovers.

This was an excellent story, with good acting and production values, for the most part. The shortcoming was in the audio and dialogue area --- the big problem was that there wasn't enough ambience to make it sound real. Also, the "normal" dialogue seemed just a little not quite real, but some key dramatic scenes that were so well done, and the overall story is so good, that you're willing to overlook everything else.

Gone is a beautiful romance, in a similar vein as Big Eden, though the small town isn't as supportive as the one in Big Eden. It keeps you interested by doling out tidbits, one bit at a time, of both how Mark came to be where he is, what Drew knows and where the two of them are headed. I'm very pleased to hear that TLA Video will be releasing it on DVD in December. It'll be high on my list! 9 out of 10. Posted by abatie at October 19, 2003 05:43 PM


I just got this on DVD, and while I still like it, I was on happy pills when I described the acting as good, and the audio is worse than just ambience --- it can't make up its mind what level it wants to be at. I'm not sure if it's really the acting, or if the script dialogue was bad enough that the actors just couldn't make it work, but something's definitely lacking. Even so, I do still like the overall story and I've seen far worse. I'll have to drop my rating to 6 though...

Posted by: abatie at December 30, 2003 11:32 PM