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October 20, 2003

SLGFF 2003 - Diary of a Porn Star

Diary of a Male Porn Star (Sun 9:30pm) makes three great movies in a row. It's another emotional movie, though not nearly as much so as Latter Days, but a great movie nevertheless.

Riki Kandinski (played by writer/director Marco Filiberti) is a highly successful porn star, estranged from his family for 11 years. When his father dies, and his older brother tries to get to know him better, there is learning to be done on both sides, and it's further complicated when Riki helps an orphaned boy.

While not "predictable", there are no great surprises in this movie. For starters, the movie is premised on some journalists looking to document his life, so you know he's dead at the start. It is, however, a very good story, well acted and well produced. While I think Riki is idealized in his role as a porn star, I know someone who's been in porn movies, and another who's been at least in porn magazines. I think he did a couple movies too. Both are nice guys, and not at all deserving of the attitude I think a lot of people would have of them just knowing what they had done.

Unfortunately having seen this right after Latter Days, I'm having a hard time deciding if I'm overrating this in the afterglow, or underrating it because it just can't compare, but I give it a 9. Posted by abatie at October 20, 2003 01:06 AM
