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November 19, 2003

Gay Marriage

Finally, a US court has figured out what the definition of "equal" means! Or at least come closer to it. This really is good news, and I'm especially heartened to hear Nightline say that while 55% of Americans oppose gay marriage, only 20% think it's worth creating a constitutional amendment over it. I do hope that Massachusetts is a turning point, but it's probably going to take a while to realize that having a gay couple marry will have no impact on their own marriage.

I still really don't get why anyone cares though. Are 55% of Americans really so full of hate that they really want to make it that much more difficult for people who love each other be recognized as a family? It's really ironic that here in Portland this weekend, an apparently gay man (the news reports usually include interviews with his male "partner"), was removed from life support at his mother's request, over the wishes of both his sister and his partner, and apparently his own wishes. While I personally agree with the decision of the mother, the fact is that if they could have gotten married, it would have been the partner's decision. Justice was NOT served in this case. And over the years, there have been far worse injustices committed, simply because people seem to believe that hateful blood relatives have more rights than the people you actually care about, when you don't care about the people they think you should.

In all fairness, I think that most of the 55% who oppose gay marriage aren't really thinking about the consequences. They take their rights and priviledges for granted because that's just the way it's always been. And, as in the case above, their thoughtlessness and ignorance is killing people. Posted by abatie at November 19, 2003 01:19 AM


Looking for contact for variety.


Posted by: robert T at January 24, 2004 07:59 PM