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March 11, 2004

Next target: the food industry

First it was Tobacco, with a new and innovative concept: they sold us stuff we knew was bad for us, so we should sue them for letting us kill ourselves! Amazingly, juries agreed. After all, they're big faceless companies with deep pockets and these are poor people suffering misfortune. The next obvious target was gun manufacturers. That movement has only just barely begun, but apparently it's moving too slow, or not large enough to provide enough of a jackpot for the legal beagles eying the gold pot. So let's take on a huge industry with tons of opportunity: Food. {nid 9} Yes, it's all the fault of Fast Food and Snack manufacturers that we can't stop eating all that yummy stuff while sitting in front of the boob tube (which has taken on a whole new meaning lately, but that's another fiasco) and now we're so fat we can only send out the lawyers to save us. I'm as guilty as the rest --- between the computer and Tivo, it's hard to find time to get out of the house, but unlike many others, I realize it's my own damn fault. If my heart says "Enough already!", so be it. I don't blame Burger King (love whoppers) or KFC (yummy boneless bbq "wings") or Sunshine (I've actually cut back on the Cheezits!). Much as I hate to think what such a bill would look like by the time it gets through the sausage mill in Washington, it really is time to come up with generic tort reform that says you can't sue someone just because they have deep pockets and happened to be in the vicinity. If it's reasonably well known that something might be bad for you and you do it anyhow, then you've no one to blame but yourself. {nid A} Posted by abatie at March 11, 2004 02:15 PM