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October 16, 2004

Lazy Saturday

For some silly reason I volunteered to help staff the no on 36 booth at the corvallis farmer's market this morning. Actually, it was fun, and I was finally able to hand out the bumper stickers I printed up. Only a couple, but left them for the next two weekends' use. Lots of support, though light crowds. Most amusing was the family walking by and one of the little kids says "what's 36?". The father apparently said (I didn't catch it myself, but the others on that side heard it) "it's a number, comes after 35" and hurried them on ;-) It amazes me how afraid people are to talk about people loving one another.

After, I went home --- I'd invited a couple I met here in Corvallis over for Farscape. I like them, but don't know them well, and talked to one last night about the Farscape microseries (two-part movie?) running tomorrow and Monday. He's been watching taped episodes of the series in preparation and I invited them over to watch the 4th season (or at least some of it) on DVD. I didn't really expect them to show, but wanted to be here just in case. Instead, I watched last night's Enterprise: mediocre, more the pity because the story had a lot of potential, and as all too often in Star Trek, they glossed over it. If the Powers That Be at Paramount had any cohones at all, Star Trek could be a great series like Babylon 5, Farscape and Firefly. Instead, it only has a few flashes of brilliance.

Anyway, after that, I decided to watch Angels in America --- I'd seen the play when it came to Portland, where it really didn't make a lot of sense, though what did was good. The miniseries however, was great. Al Pacino was in top form, as were many of the others. And Patrick Wilson is cuuuute! ;-) Wow, and Justin Kirk is from Salem! Interesting...

Posted by abatie at October 16, 2004 11:58 PM
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