Blogging seems to be all the rage, so what the heck? I'll follow the lemmings over the cliff too! It probably won't get me elected President, but maybe some interesting discussions will come out of it... Beware, however: I speak my mind here, and I'm pretty frank and open. Some may be offended at the content and/or opinions. If you're easily offended, you might want to look elsewhere for reading material.

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October 21, 2003

SLGFF 2003 - Conclusion

Unfortunately, I have to end this too soon --- my dad's birthday is Wednesday, and I'm going to visit instead of seeing Sylvia Scarlett (apparently a rare print of an old Katherine Hepburn movie), the sneak preview, and the festival closer, Goldfish Memories.

This trip up to Seattle has been very well worth it, both for visiting friends and the three great movies on Sunday. The venues were all great: Cinerama, Experience Music Project and Harvard Exit (though the screen at the Experience Music Project wasn't a whole lot bigger than the one I have at home!). The festival is put on by Three Dollar Bill Cinema, which does queer films year round and reminds me that big cities really do have some advantages (though I can't stand Portland traffic, much less dealing with Seattle's regularly). Anyway, I had a great time, and maybe now that I've gotten into the habit of posting here, I'll find other things to write about more often... Posted by abatie at October 21, 2003 01:56 AM
