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October 25, 2003

Gay Marriage

I'm reading this morning that the uber conservatives are going to make gay marriage a major issue in the upcoming presidential elections, and they consider it even more important than abortion. Excuse me? They consider two people who love each other and want to commit their lives together worse than what they consider to be murder? These people are just fucking sick. Pardon my French.

I simply cannot understand these people (and I use the term loosely). The position they hold is nothing more than blind raw hatred of people that are different and/or disagree with them and they seem to be willing to stop at nothing to cause as much pain and hurt as they can. If they were really worried about the institution of marriage, they'd be looking a little closer to home: the October 20, 2003 Business Week has a cover story about how something like half of all couples in the US are unmarried. Of course, a straight couple usually doesn't have to worry about whether or not they'll be allowed to visit their partner in the hospital, or make medical decisions, or be treated as a legal guardian of their children.

Meanwhile these same people are probably quite happy that Bush is busily making the rest of the world mad at the US while putting the country in the poorhouse with debt and attacking liberty and freedom as fast as he thinks he can get away with it.

I really want to be proud to be an American, but it's getting more and more embarrassing by the day. Posted by abatie at October 25, 2003 11:42 AM
